Path of Life Camp Behavior Guidelines and Discipline Policy
Campers routinely go home and report on the behavior of other campers and their perceived/recalled responses by our staff. This often incomplete and inaccurate reporting has often led to parents believing that we have no discipline policy or behavior expectations. The following is a written policy to inform parents of our discipline procedures and behavior policies.
Campers are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times while at camp. In order to provide all campers and staff with a camp experience that is safe and enjoyable, the following guidelines have been developed. All campers must understand and follow the guidelines set forth. Please review these guidelines with your child.
A caring and positive approach will be taken regarding discipline. Our counselors strive to give the children clear guidelines and boundaries to prevent problems as much as possible
Camp staff will reinforce appropriate behavior through positive reinforcement, firm statements and redirection of activity. When campers want to be at camp there is often less need for discipline.
The following rules and expectations will be reviewed daily with every camper group:
Talk in a pleasant manner. Foul language, vulgarity, obscenity, insults, and bullying will not be accepted.
Treat all equipment and supplies with proper care and respect.
Show respect for the camp staff, volunteers, and fellow campers.
Running and excessive shouting while indoors is not allowed.
Aggressive behavior that harms or threatens another child, or staff will not be permitted at camp. This includes, but is not limited to, hitting, kicking, pushing, grabbing, biting, or scratching.
Campers are expected to stay with their group throughout the day. Extended running away from their counselor or the camp property will not be tolerated.
Listed below are the discipline procedures for campers who are exhibiting unacceptable behavior. Depending on the severity of the behavior, we may skip a particular step. (I.e. aggressive behavior will not be tolerated.)
Step 1: - Verbal Warning. If a camper misbehaves, they will be told that their specific behavior is unacceptable, and will be warned of future consequences if the behavior continues.
Step 2: - Time Out or time away from the group/activities. If the behavior persists, the camper will be pulled aside, in full view, for one-on-one redirection of behavior and explanation of consequences. During a time out a camper may have to sit out from activities including swimming, horseback riding, ATVs, games, non-meal snack allowances, or a special event.
Step 3: - First Written Warning. If a child persists in unacceptable behavior, a camp director will intervene and remove the camper from their group for the remainder of the day, and a written warning will be issued. The Camp director or program director will speak with the child and their parent/guardian at the scheduled end of that camp day. The parent/guardian will be required to sign the written warning to bring the camper back the following day.
Step 4: Second Written warning- If a child persists in unacceptable behavior, the camper will be removed from their group and a parent or guardian will be notified to have their child picked up from camp immediately, and a second written warning will be issued.
Step 5: After receiving two written warnings, if the behavior persists, the child will not be permitted to return to camp, and future attendance privileges will be suspended. Refunds for the remainder of the camp week will not be issued, but any payments made for future weeks will be refunded in full.
Staff shall be prohibited from using the following as a means of punishment:
Hitting, spanking, shaking, biting, pinching, or inflicting other forms of corporal punishment.
Restricting a child’s movement by binding or tying him or her.
Inflicting mental or emotional punishment, such as humiliating, shaming, or threatening a child. Depriving a child of meals, rest, or necessary toilet use.
Confining a child in an enclosed area, such as a closet, locked room, box, or similar cubicle.
Non-severe and developmentally appropriate discipline or restraint may be used when reasonably necessary to prevent a child from harming himself or to prevent a child from harming persons or property, excluding those forms of punishment prohibited by the above rule.
Incident Reporting
Parents and Guardians are encouraged to report behaviors their child informs them of, after camp hours, by completing the form @ Verbal or phone reporting, particularly speaking with a counselor at drop-off or pick-up often yields ineffective results.
Once a report has been made, an investigative process will be conducted to verify or fill in the details of the report. As necessary, supporting or conflicting information will be supplemented, and parents of both children will be notified of the incident in writing.
Please keep in mind that campers routinely leave out significant details, (such as their own involvement in the incident, provocation of the behavior), exaggerate the negative behavior of others, and minimize corrective actions taken by the staff. It is very rare for a child to become violent toward another camper unprovoked, and we consider repeated provocation to be as serious as the physical reaction it causes, and disciplinary action may be taken, as appropriate, for ALL involved children.
Please review these rules with your child prior to the first day of camp and return to your counselor. The staff will review these rules with your child at the beginning of each week as well. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. We hope to have a great summer!